About Us

Our Mission.

Adequate returns for investors need to come through a more balanced relationship between financial institutions and their clients, when it comes to both market knowledge and expertise, as well as transparency.

We believe in the need for a more equitable remuneration for market experts, that takes into consideration both risk, and expected returns. 

WAS advises and manages portfolios transparently, with robust risk parameters and strong controls, but in a cost effective way.

Our aim is to generate constant and predictable cash flows that substantially outperform the long term cost of living. 

We are authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.

What we Do.

We are fixed income managers and our portfolios have a distinct focus on capital preservation and income generation.

WAS targets returns in excess of 3-5% per annum above inflation.

WAS employs robust risk parameters, providing strong controls and a high level of transparency and customization.

WAS manages assets through advisory or discretionary mandates, as separate accounts, or in funds and insurance policy formats.

Preserving Wealth

Preserving family wealth is at the core of Wealth Investment Advisory. In all cultures, in all geographies, in all economic systems and at all points in the economic cycle, families typically create and lose their wealth within three generations;

الثروةتأتيكالسلحفاة وتذهب كالغزال
(“Wealth comes like a turtle and goes away like a Gazelle” )

Chi la crea, chi la mantiene e chi la distrugge
(“One who make, one who maintains, one who destroys”)

Erwerben, Vererben, Verderben
(“Acquire, Leave, Ruin”)

“From shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations”

Our Team consists of investment professionals with broad international experience from leading institutions within investment banking, trading and asset management.

Fedele Cova


Chief Investment Officer

Fedele has 20 years of experience as an Investment Banker in the city of London having covered various roles across the board such as analyst, trader, structurer and sales person.

As highlights of his career he was responsible for Banca Intesa’s Investment Portfolio in credit and equity products for 8 years, managing 28 people and 80 billion euros in asset under management.

His performances and managing skills brought him to Deutsche Bank where he ultimately covered the position of Head of Credit Hedge Fund Sales.

Fedele holds a degree in Economics from Luiss University in Rome and a Master in Finance from London Business School.